Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Ab Workouts At Home

Doing your ab workouts at home is a convenient way to get that six-pack you always wanted. Good-looking abdominal muscles are some of the most sought-after results in the fitness world. Fortunately, these muscles can easily be shaped and toned in the comfort of your own home. Doing ab workouts at home is just as good as doing them in a well-equipped gym or anywhere else. You don’t need expensive exercise equipment or a lot of space. With a proper form, it is possible to develop strong, well-defined abdominal muscles in only five minutes a day.
Doing ab workouts at home is a great way to increase strength in your midsection and support your general fitness program. Your ab workouts should ideally form part of a healthy, low-fat diet and an exercise routine that aims to reduce subcutaneous fat – fat that lies beneath the skin and covers up your hard-earned muscle. A good starting workout consists of three sets of 10 crunches, with 15 to 30 seconds of rest in between.

Straight-leg crunches are done lying flat on your back with your legs extended on the floor and hands cupping your ears. Keeping your lower back on the floor, raise your torso a couple of inches above the ground. Exhale as you do the crunch, allowing your abdominal muscles to contract fully. Hold it there for a second or two before you lower to your starting position. Immediately do the next crunch without relaxing in between.

Curl-ups are more difficult than traditional crunches, but rely on the upper, lower and oblique (side) abdominal muscles working together. Begin your ab workouts at home by lying flat on your back with your hands cupped behind your ears or crossed over your chest (to decrease the difficulty). Bend your knees about 45 degrees, feet shoulder-width apart, and curl your upper torso in toward your knees. Concentrate the contraction around your navel area while you keep it there for a second or two, depending on the desired level of intensity.

Twisting crunches are ideal for targeting your oblique (side) abs, and can help your waist become smaller in relation to your upper body. Once again, lie on you back with your hands cupping your ears and your elbows out. Cross your ankles, bend your knees slightly and raise your legs 90 degrees in the air. Now bring your left shoulder off the ground, crossing your left elbow to your right knee.

Always avoid pulling your head with your hands, and keep your chin up to minimize any strain on your neck or upper back. Lie on a mat or carpeted area to provide support to your spine and lower back. Never allow your back to arch when you lift your shoulders. It often helps to put your feet up on a couch or a chair. Keep your knees unlocked and in line with your feet to reduce unnecessary strain on the knee joints, quadriceps and inner thighs. Finally, always use slow and controlled movements. They are safer and provide much more return on your efforts.

Don’t let the convenience of being able to do your ab workouts at home be an excuse for becoming lazy and sloppy with your exercises. It is very important to make sure you do your exercises properly. Remember, any exercise is only as effective as your technique allows it to be. Rather do a few repetitions right than waste effort on doing it wrong, and risking injury. These precautions will ensure that your ab workouts at home are always a productive and rewarding experience!

Get Six Pack Abs Fast – Is It An Impossible Dream?

I am 5 decades old, but I’m not ashamed to mention my age. If life begins at 40, then I’m just 10 years into it. But what I’m really embarrassed with is the size of my waistline. It’s close to 40 (inches) and not a bit appealing. I really wish I can do something about it. I wonder if those tips on how to get a six pack fast really work.

At my age I’m not really into strenuous exercise. I’m ok with walking, some jogging and a lot of stretching. But if you ask me to do high intensity work-out, I’d quit. Aside from the fact that I’m asthmatic, my propensity to exercise is really not that high (short of saying that I’m really not into it). So is there still a chance for me to get six pack abs fast?

Some say that diet plays a major role in getting six pack abs fast. Well not directly though. The theory is that the six pack abs is there except that they are covered with fat. Eliminate the fat and lo and behold your beautiful abs is exposed. So the idea here is to bring down your body fat level to 7% and you’ll get the well-chiseled mid-section you’re yearning for. But it’s easier said than done. If you can do away with eating “white food” – white rice, pasta, white flour, and sugar – then you’re more than halfway there. But unfortunately, rice is my staple food, and for some unknown reason I feel weak whenever I’m unable to eat rice at least once a day.  Does that mean that I’m forever damned, that I’m stuck with this body similar to that of Homer Simpson’s?

If I can get myself to minimize my carbohydrate intake and do minimal exercise along the way, probably I still have a fighting chance.  Planks are highly recommended. Get down on your elbows and toes and hold that position for a minute (or what seems like eternity to me). Do these 3 times a day every other day, and you’ll end up with a painful midsection (at least initially). The 1st few sessions will result in discomfort but as they say, “no pain, no gain”.

For those with enough will power to eat only a “clean” diet, you are most likely to achieve your goal of getting six pack abs fast.  Sprinkle a little “plank” exercise and it’s a cinch. As for me, if it’s for me then it will happen. If not, well I’m willing to forget it.